Friday, November 4, 2011

I look 32, and I'm not shaving until the heat is fixed!

What a day.  I woke up this morning to my lovely daughter snuggling me and telling me that she "couldn't get warm enough so I just came in here to be next to you."  Aww.  So sweet.  But lo and behold, the heat is broken!  It was 56 on the thermostat when we woke up!  Naturally, I called the manager.  Then I went back to sleep.  I did need to nap today, because I was supposed to be working all night, but I think my body went into hibernation mode because of the cold.  I did not want to wake up at 1 this afternoon when my alarm went off for the 400th time!

After downing some coffee, I went on my run.  I ran 10 miles partly because I needed to and partly because keeping my body in motion was keeping me warm!  [My run is mapped at]. When I returned home, I was so cold from being sweaty and wet in a sixty degree house I HAD to hop in the shower.  The shower is the one place in the house where I have some control over the temperature, even if it is only for twenty minutes or so.  I shivered as the warm water hit my skin, and then and there I decided I was on shaving strike until my heat was fixed.  I need my body hair for warmth.  No one's gonna see my legs anyway!

Image from

The maintenance man managed to call me back hours later, telling me that it was now too late to come today and fix the heater and they're gonna have to go ahead and wait til Monday to come out.  "Is that okay?" he asked.  What do you mean?!  Of course it's not okay, but it doesn't really sound like you're giving me a choice!  Luckily I work all weekend, or....or else!  Just know you're lucky I work!

I managed to get off work early, but not before the cutest old man told me that I looked 32.  32!!  No one has ever, EVER guessed that I look older than 25!  He was very old, was on pain medication which tends to make older folks a little loopy, and he is probably slightly senile.  Not to mention he had on some ancient looking glasses that were probably the right prescription 25 years ago when he bought them.
(Image from

 I must catch up on my writing now!! My novel, that is.  I'm about 2000 words behind.  Don't worry, I'll get there!!

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