Don Harman, known for his outgoing personality and cheerful exterior, had apparently been struggling with depression for many years. What troubles me the most about the death of this man, who seemingly had everything from a fabulous career, friends aplenty, a wife and daughter, no doubt a lucrative income; is that if even he, at 41 years old and with all this going for him, couldn't kick his depression, what hope do others have? He seemingly did everything right, sought treatment, filled his life with the stuff of dreams - - and it still consumed him.
For me, the worst part about this tragedy is that it further depresses and worries me about the nature of depression itself. A lot. That is something that I am familiar with and why this story touches close to my heart. Despite all Mr. Harman's success, and all the things he did to try to control the disease, his depression evidently worsened over time instead of improving. Is this something that others suffering can live to fear? That despite everything we do, there is no escape? I feel distress not only for myself, but for others out there like him, like me, who have to hide this, who have to wait until tomorrow or next week or even next year to maybe feel a little bit better.
I've always told myself it won't always be like this. That one day, when I feel like my life is in order, it will slide way into the backseat and maybe even disappear. The case of Don Harman shoves it right in my face and says, "Maybe it won't. Maybe it will only get worse."
So then...what to do?
You have to remember that it is not ever something that will be "cured" or will go away. Depression has ebbs and flows, and is always a part of the life of those who suffer. Remember that you are so amazing and the best friend a gal could ever ask for! I think what to do me! and dont be so hard on yourself!